Tips for a Successful Move

Moving to a new home is an exciting event.  Whether you plan to move down the street or five states away, the moving process does not change very much.  Keep in mind, though, that even when the move is to a better place, the process of moving can be very tiring and stressful for you and your family.

Realtors have many years of experience working with people like you and have gathered information about the moving process during that time. The information they can provide will be helpful to you whether you are selling and moving or buying a home for the first time. Naturally, there will be differences in the process for everyone, because no two situations are identical. But by following these practical tips, you will make your move – and your life – easier during this exciting time.

Keep a Calendar!
Once you have decided to move from your current home, even if that move seems to be in the distant future, you need to begin planning each step as soon as possible.  Advanced planning, when possible, will make the process smoother for everyone involved and it will also help you remember all the little details.

An organizer-type calendar with a folio cover will help you keep everything together. You can put important papers and notices in the folder to stay organized.  Organization is the key to success in almost everything, and planning a move is no exception.

If you know when you are moving, the first thing to write in your calendar is the date of the move. Work backwards from there to note critical tasks along the way.  As you think of things that you need to do, make a note of them in the calendar. 

Schedule some personal time, too. It is important to make sure that you are spending time doing the things you love to do, as well as the things you have to do for your move.

Keep an Updated Phone List!
To ensure that you are ready to disconnect and connect your utilities when the time comes, and that you don’t forget anything of importance, keep a list of important telephone numbers inside your calendar folder.  Depending on where you are moving and how far it is from your current home, you may need to arrange for new doctors, dentists, and other professional services as well.

Try to establish a relationship with your new doctor as early as possible to ease the transition process. Also, if you are changing doctors or dentists, request that your medical records be transferred ahead of time.

Make a Complete Inventory!
Keeping an inventory of your assets is a good way to avoid forgetting anything when you move.  Well before moving day, begin to keep an inventory in a notebook.  Begin with your largest pieces of furniture and work your way down to smaller possessions. 

Having a complete inventory will make the process of sorting and packing easier, too.  It will help you make an accurate estimate of the number and sizes of boxes required and decide whether you need to rent a storage unit. Also, if you are moving far away from your current home, you be estimate how large a moving truck you will need.

Determine Whether You Will Hire Movers or Do It Yourself!
Sometimes, home buyers know in advance whether they plan to use professional movers or complete the move themselves with the assistance of friends and family.  However, because every situation is different, sometimes this is a difficult decision.  In general, if you have a lot of heavy furniture and not enough help to move it on your own, hiring professional movers is an excellent idea.

On the other hand, if you are preparing to move into your first home and expect to purchase most of your furniture afterwards, then hiring professional help may not be worth the expense.

Most of the time, it is a good idea to hire movers for long-distance moves. First, consider the cost of renting multiple trucks and the fuel associated with hauling.  When you hire professionals, you are almost always sharing that cost with someone else for an interstate move.  This may be the case for short-distance moves, too. It really depends on the moving company and what you will be moving.

Clean Out the Clutter!
When you prepare for your move in advance, you have time to get ride of the clutter that you have accumulated.  The garage may be a good place to start, so that when you begin the process of packing you will have a place in which to store the boxes. 

If you plan to sell your home while preparing to move, it is a good idea to eliminate clutter anyhow, since clutter-free homes are more attractive to potential buyers.  Consider holding a garage sale or making charitable donations.  You could also offer to give your items to friends and family members who could put them to good use.

Regardless of how you choose to eliminate clutter, it is a highly involved and time-consuming process.  Therefore, if you need to move soon, without much advance notice, know that it may be necessary to wait until you have reached your new destination to sort through your belongings and decide what to keep and what to eliminate.

Hire Help Throughout the Moving Process!
For families with young children, babysitting is the most valuable service that can be procured while preparing for a move.  Hire a local teenager, a relative, or even a daycare center.  This will give you the time and freedom necessary to successfully prepare for your upcoming move.

Again, the process can be more complicated when you are preparing for a move and selling your home simultaneously.  You may need to hire landscapers, painters and even haulers to help with some of the more difficult chores.

Hopefully, these tips on successfully preparing for a move will make the process less stressful for you and everyone else involved.  The value of a folio-style calendar cannot be stressed enough.  If you purchase one that is large enough to hold all your important documents in one place, you will never need to spend your valuable time searching for the information you need.

Allow yourself as much time as possible before the move, to prepare and pack.  And remember to take good care of yourself throughout the process. Getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals is critical.  Too many people rely on fast-food meals during the moving process, but a steady take-out diet is a recipe for disaster. Make wise choices and schedule time to eat nutritious meals.

Also, make sure that you are getting enough exercise.  Even a short daily walk will keep you refreshed and healthy, so schedule enough time every day for at least a short walk outside.  Sometimes, breaking up the tedium of moving preparations is the best gift that you can give to yourself.


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