How to Prepare Your Home to Sell Fast

It is the ultimate goal for Lehigh Valley homeowners that want to sell their properties.

Sell it quick and sell it for as much profit as possible.

During the most tumultuous economic period since the Great Depression, it possible to sell your home fast, and still make a healthy return on your investment in the process? The answer is yes if you follow a few tips on how to prepare your home to sell fast.

Get Rid of Clutter

You might have heard that too many items can make a room look “busy.” To sell your home fast, you should take care of the little things first, such as removing clutter found throughout and around your home. First impressions matter, and you want the first impression of your home to be the potential it has for prospective buyers. Items that you have not used for years need to go, as do the artifacts on the front lawn that make your house look ‘busy.”

The best thing about decluttering your home is making a little cash selling unwanted items during a yard or a garage sale. You can also donate items to the Goodwill and/or the Salvation Army. During the pandemic, make sure both organizations are accepting donated household items and furnishing. You can also rent a storage unit to secure items until the time comes to move into your new home. Most storage facilities offer generous discounts for customer that sign long-term contracts.

Complete Minor Home Improvement Projects

You cannot expect to sell your Lehigh Valley home fast by performing extended home improvement projects. Home improvement projects like replacing a roof or adding an outdoor living space in the backyard take too much time to qualify your home for a fast sale. However, you can complete projects such as touching up exterior paint and replacing the door on a kitchen cabinet. Patch any holes found in the walls of your home, as well as repair cracks for the flooring in every room. Consider repainting rooms by using a more subdued color. The last thing you want is for a prospective home buyer to walk away because of the ugly orange paint covering the ceiling in the master bedroom.

Landscaping 101

Unless you have to sell your home to accommodate the schedule for an immediate relocation, you should have enough time to turn your front lawn and backyard into an attractive example of superior landscaping. Make sure the grass receives a nice cut and trim the day before you put your house on the market, as well as trim the bushes and hedges to produce a visually appealing appearance for your home. Curb appeal starts with landscaping, and it does not take much time or money to make your home stand out because of its curb appeal.

Make Mr. Clean the Starring Attraction

One of the worthwhile expenses for selling your home fast is to hire a licensed professional cleaning company to come in and give your house a thorough cleaning. Some of the things a professional team of house cleaners can do better than you include power washing the windows, scrubbing down bathroom tiles, and polishing the chrome and mirrors that adorn your home. Although you can take care of minor cleaning projects like dusting furniture and wiping down kitchen appliances, leave the heavy hitting jobs for a professional home cleaning service. There are several highly rated residential cleaning companies operating in the Gettysburg-Bethlehem-Lehigh Valley region.

Organize Closets and Cabinets

You can expect prospective buyers of your home to open a few closets and cabinets to determine the storage space available in your home. It is critically important to organize every storage space to demonstrate not only your attention to detail, but also the storage potential inside your house. When a home buyer sees how you have focused on every organization detail, he or she will discover the pride you take in the care of your home.

Finally, take some time looking at your home from a buyer’s perspective. Even better, ask a friend or a family member to provide an honest assessment about the condition of your home before you put it up for sale. With demand for homes surging in Lehigh Valley, PA, sellers can sell their homes fast by preparing them for open houses.

Have a question about selling? Contact us today!


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