Fun Stay at Home Activities for the Lehigh Valley, Pa

We are experiencing perhaps one of the most transformational events in American history. At the heart of change is how we have adapted to a much more digital oriented lifestyle We are working from home, as well as placing food orders in advance of picking up the tasty treats from our favorite restaurants in the same manner that car hops delivered food to customers in the 1950s. 

From the temporary closing of foodie hot spots such as Bolete and Henry’s Salt of the Sea to the dimmed lights at Dorney Park Road and Lehigh Valley Zoo, home is where our new normal exists. With that in mind, let’s look at several fun stay at home activities for Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania residents.

Cooking is in

Our busy lifestyles transformed the food industry. Eating at home became about as common as the appearance of Punxsutawney Phil. Now, eating at home is not just an option, it is how the new normal operates. Dust off a few cookbooks that you once referred to on a daily basis, and get back to your culinary roots by creating meals for you and your family. If you live alone, social distancing does not mean you cannot invite a couple of friends over to enjoy the spirit of epicurean camaraderie.

Participate in Online Auctions

Although you cannot hear an auctioneer bellow prices in person, participating in one or more online auctions should get the blood moving through your body. There are plenty of online auction portals that include the standard for the online auction industry, eBay.

Organize a Digital Book Club

Whether you are working from home or you are enjoying retirement, you can expect to face some down time during our current stay at home lifestyle. Although you will hear the pundits suggest “curling up in bed with a good book” as one solution to boredom, you can elevate your reading game by organizing a digital book club. Not only will you return to some of the classics, you will also connect with a new set of friends.

Volunteer Online

Long after the current crisis subsides, non-profit organizations will still need help performing a large number of tasks, many of which can be completed online. There are plenty of online communities out there waiting for someone like you to provide support and expertise. Just make sure to volunteer for a cause that motivates you to be active in the organization’s mission.

Turn on Your Thumb Green

Nothing soothes a restless soul more than the serenity of working in a garden. You do not have to possess the growing magic of a green thumb to benefit from the soothing mental and the energy producing physical activities associated with gardening. You can start a garden outdoors or cultivate a garden you have already established in the kitchen.

Now is the Time to “Do It Yourself”

There has to be at least one project you have put off over the past year, whether the project involved power washing the exterior of your home or organizing the clutter sitting in the basement. Write down a short list of DIY home improvement projects and get started on one of the most effective ways to keep you busy during the crazy time in which we live.

Remember that it is not a saying you hear on the major news networks. We are in this together as a community, state, and country. Stay at home activities are not just suggestions for the current craziness. You can reach into your bag of home activities the next time Old Man Winter blows through Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.

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