Most Important Updates to Make to Your Home Before Selling

The to do list for selling a home in the Lehigh Valley area can extend well into several pages. You also have to factor in the best time of the year to put a home on the market, as well as decide whether you want to open the house up to prospective buyers, or do everything online by offering virtual tours. One of the items that should be on a home seller’s to do list, but it is often forgotten, involves making upgrades that increase the value of your home, as well as make it much more attractive to potential buyers.

Let’s look at the most important updates to make to your home to sell.

Start Outside

Curb appeal is not as much about value, as it is about attracting the attention of potential home buyers. Yes, improving how you home looks from the street should boost the value of the entire property. However, you want to find ways that makes your home “pop” in the neighborhood. Although painting the exterior and replacing the sidewalk enhance curb appeal, no other home upgrade does a better job of grabbing the attention prospective home buyers than upgrading the landscape surrounding your house. Planting flowers and pruning bushes are simple and cost effective ways to improve the curb appeal of your home.

Stay Outside, But Go to the Backyard

Outdoor living spaces in all types of climates have become the hit feature of many homes across the country. Adding a finely varnished deck or constructing a stylish pergola is an upgrade that should deliver a healthy return on your investment. Climate control features such as portable heathers and air conditioners make an outdoor living space a sound choice for residents living in Bethlehem and Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Two for One Remodeling Project

The kitchen and the primary bathroom represent the two most important rooms for selling a home in a timely manner. This means both rooms should be the focus of upgrades. Both rooms might need a new countertop, which a contractor can build using the same materials. The more the merrier is the mantra for home improvement projects, as businesses that sell materials frequently offer discounts for bulk purchases. Although the design elements differ for the kitchen and the bathroom, you should look at both upgrades as one huge home improvement project.

Replace Windows

From the outside, old windows can diminish the appearance of a home, and from the inside, antiquated windows often block out sunlight. Considered an affordable home upgrade project, replacing windows can give your house the type of pop that seals the home selling deal. You can save money by performing the relatively easy home improvement project yourself.

Finish the Basement

Although not a deal breaker, a basement that looks more like a bomb shelter than an extra room can turn off potential home buyers. It is partly about the appearance of an unfinished basement, but it is also about the extra work and money spent to finish a basement that can turn a promising sales lead into a dead end. Finishing your basement or refinishing it can turn a droll looking basement into a recreation room or a home entertainment center.

Curb Appeal Returns

Your home might look the most appealing from the front, but it can turn into just another house in the neighborhood if it sports siding that was installed at the end of the 1990s. Installing new siding can give your home an edge in the home selling market.

Finally, turn a non-working fireplace into one that illuminates an entire room. Fireplaces deliver more than simply warmth. They also enhance the ambiance of the living room, as well as the primary bedroom.


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